Flormar v Sloveniji! (Flormar in Slovenia)

11:32 AM colorfulbottle 9 Comments


This post will be in SLO language again, because of a new store that recently opened and sells Flormar =). I promise I'll make it up too all of my international readers =). Soon there will be English posts only =). 

 Že kar nekaj časa nazj sem obiskala Flormar otoček v Supernovi na Rudniku, saj me je zelo zanimala ponudba izdelkov in predvsem cena, saj v večini primerov uvoženi kozmetiki zelo nabijejo ceno.S prodajalkama sem se dogovorila, da lahko poslikam njihove lake =). Bila sem res zelo presenečena, saj v nobeni trgovini ne dovolijo slikanja =)

Takole izgleda njihov kotiček:
Nahajajo se v Supernovi na Rudniku v LJ, v neposredni bližini drogerije Muller.

Seveda sem poslušala narediti čimbolj razločne slike odtenkov, na žalost ni mi najbolje uspelo, ampak mislim da se precej dobro vidi, da je lakov res ogromno =). Pa tudi cena se vidi=)

Trgovina ima tudi svojo FB stran, kjer pogosto objavljajo novosti in razne slike dekorative. 

Po res zelo dolgem izbiranju in premisleku sem kupila spodnja laka, saj sem se odločila, da ne smem kupiti več kot 2 =)
Lak iz linije Pretty sem že preiskusila, in morem reči da je zelo lep =)

Ker sem ravno čakala na razgovor za službo v sosednji trgovini, sem se potem malce zagovorila še z vizažistko Tamaro. Dala mi je kar nekaj koristnih nasvetov kar se tiče lakov, če bi pogovor nanesel še na področje ličil, bi pa vrjetno najin pogovor trajal še dlje časa.

Moje mnenje: 
Zelo prijazno in kvalificirano osebje, dobra kozmetika in ogromna izbira.  Cena je tudi zelo nizka, me je pa presenetilo, da je tako velika razlika med navadnimi laki in effect laku ( crackle, multichrome, matte).
Zelo sem zadovoljna =).

* Če je katera punca preveč oddaljena od LJ in si želi Flormar izdelke, lahko izdelke kupim jaz in jih pošljem, saj sem vsak teden v LJ =).* 

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Beauty UK "dusty pink"

1:30 PM colorfulbottle 8 Comments


Today I'm going to show you one of my favourite Beauty UK polishes.
I probably already mentioned before, that I love Beauty UK polishes, because of their fast dry time and high shine, also price is really low.
The only thing I hate about them is the fact that polishes that are in sets don't have names of their own. I decided to call this one dusty pink!

This polish is from West End Girl set (see ful set here)

I applied 2 coats, no TC. Dry time was really fast.

Do you like it? I can't wait to wear this pretty again!

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Felur de Sante olje za obnohtno kožico ( cuticle oil review)

11:00 PM colorfulbottle 5 Comments

This post will be again mostly in slovenian language since I'll be reviewing items from SLO store.
Dans vam bom predstavila še en izdelek, ki mi ga je poslala prijazna Ga. Mateja iz slovenskega Fleur de Sante konec februarja. Na žalost sem bila malce na tesnem s časom, tako da sem že precej pozna z opisom izdelka. Sem pa pa lahko v mesecu in pol res zelo dobro testirala in moram priznati, da je izdelek še boljši kot sem pričakovala. ampak več o tem kasneje....
Olje se nahaja v plastični tubici, ki zelo dobro tesni, zato je super za v torbico.
Tubica ima namesto konice čopič, ki omogoča zelo lahko nanašanje olja, količina olja pa se lahko zelo enostavno dozira s pritiskom na tubico.
Olje se zelo hitro vpija in ima super vonj, ki je precej nežen, zato ni moteč. Mojo obnohtno kožico super nahrani.
Takšni so moji nohti pred nanosom olja...
...in takole minuto po nanosu in vmasiranju olja v kožico.
Nad izdelkom sem zelo navdušena, saj se olje zelo hitro vpije, in nima močnega vonja, mojo kožico pa zelo nahrani. Najbolj od vsega mi je pa všeč ravno embalaža, saj je zelo priročna in primerna za v torbico, tako da sedaj nimam več izgovorov za slabo odnohtno kožico =).
Idelek ni testiran na živalih! Prav tako so vsi izdelki FdS narejeni v EU, kar pomeni, da upoštevajo EU standarde in imajo s tem bolj stroge normative in bolj kakovostne sestavine.
Ko porabim to tubico, si gotvo priskrbim novo =)
Izdelek najdete tukaj za 5,99€
Tukaj je še njihov opis sestavin:
Mandelj izboljša polt in ohranja sijaj. Dobro je poznan po intenzivnem vlaženju in hranilnih sposobnostih. Jojoba zagotavlja celodnevno vlaženje, ki kožo naredi mehko in gladko. Avokado je najboljši sadni vir bistvenega vitamina E in nudi vlaženje ter ima hranilno moč.
 For my international readers:
This cuticle oilr is really practical, because it does not leak, and it is easy to apply with this tiny brush. I have it in my bag all the time. It absorbs pretty fast so this makes it even better =). I'd really recomand this cuticle oil to all of my readers, because it is moisurizing, it absorbs fast, it has practical packaging and it is made in EU, where normatives are quite high. Fleur de Sante also does not test on animals!


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Gradient hearts tutorial

11:58 PM colorfulbottle 33 Comments

It was about time to publish this tutorial I promised more than a month ago.
Firstly I'd like to say, that this is not my idea. I saw it on YouTube ( click HERE), and because I really liked I decided to make a tutorial, with slightly different method.
*Because I had some issues with copyright I made a little bit different colour combination than in my previous post*
Here is the look I made:
Things you'll need:
-1 light nail polish and 3 for the gradient
-a bit of patience!
Now, let's get this nail party started!!!
Start off with light colour base!
I decided for Orly Pure Porcelain:
Prepare your protective/duct tape!
 Follow steps from 1-4
Step 1: Fold one end of tape, to get one none sticky end. It will come in handy when you'll try to "open the heart"
Step 2. Stick tape on your hand. Tape will lose a bit of stickiness, this lowers the possibility of ending up with glue residues on your nail, and prevents damaging base colour.
Step 3: Fold tape in half and draw half of heart on it. Cut it out!
Step 4: Unfold and paste tape on your nail. Try to put it in the middle. I think I've never succeeded =).
Prepare for the gradient!
I used China Glaze Ahoy, Revlon scented Mad about Mango and BarryM Peach Melba
Follow steps from 5-7
Apply gradient on your nails!
I did 2 coats of sponging, here is a picture after fist sponging:
Remove tape when sponging is still wet!
I was in a hurry when I made this tutorial, and because I haven't waited long enough my colour base is damaged because base was still a bit wet. Thank God for top coats!
Apply top coat!
As you can see, it didn't end up perfectly. Hearts are everywhere but in the middle, and my ring finger heart is completely crocked! I still like this gradient heart look despite that. Will you try it?

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Color Candy 29 with Konad

6:06 PM colorfulbottle 15 Comments

Hi girls!
Today I'm going to show you how I upgraded Color Candy 29 from Born Pretty Store that I showed it to you in one of my previous posts. (here).
I used Konad special polish in black and m61 IP
Here is the end result:
You can see that not even one of my nails is perfectly stamped! I think this never happened to me in a very log time. I really should start practicing stamping more often.
And because I still can't get enough of glow in the dark effect, here is a picture of how it glows in the dark with m61 pattern:
Do you like it?
* My most loyal readers probably noticed that I fielded at my challenge ( the one with at least 3 posts per week and I "only" had 3 back up weeks). I really wanted to publish at least 3 posts last week, but blogger stopped working on my Google Chrome and I never toughed to go check it with Internet Explorer, because I never use it. Today I was really angry because it still didn't work and then it flashed me, that is probably Chrome, so I'm writing this post now with Internet Explorer.
Because I failed my challenge I should stop blogging for good and sell almost all of my polishes! I changed my mind for now, instead I decided I'll publish 5 post this week, just to make it up for previous week. I hope you don't mind that: =)*
Have a lovely day and I hope you enjoyed your Easter holidays!

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