No. 4
It is time for number 4 already, only 6 to go. Today I have something soft, and girly. I don't like it, actually I hate it. I imagined this design, with another polish- soft pink from Essence Cute as hell LE, but it applied literally like hell, that is why I removed it. Because I don't have any other soft pink shades, I had to make myself one, I mixed joy white with Lacura Cyclam, and named the franken Miss piggy. I liked it to the moment that started bubbling. I could remove it and buy another soft pink shade, but I didn't, because I thought, that than again something would go wrong. I am ashamed of publishing this manicure, but sometimes manicure just isn't meant to be perfect.
For the flowers and a butterfly I used S-he 465 and Essence striper Heavy black.
Here are the pictures:

P.S. I just found the cutest kitty abandoned in the bushes, I really don't understand that there are so heartless people in the world to do such thing. She is a bit shy for now, but when she gets more used to us I would post some pictures of Meggie if you would like that. She really is the most beautiful cat I've seen.
For the flowers and a butterfly I used S-he 465 and Essence striper Heavy black.
Here are the pictures:
P.S. I just found the cutest kitty abandoned in the bushes, I really don't understand that there are so heartless people in the world to do such thing. She is a bit shy for now, but when she gets more used to us I would post some pictures of Meggie if you would like that. She really is the most beautiful cat I've seen.
Pretty color and great art! Kitteh pictures are always welcome. :)
ReplyDeleteTnx, I'll try to make some pictures of Meggie as soon as possible. =)
ReplyDeleteJaaa, kr pokaž slikce od Meggie. <3 Kar se tiče rozike iz CAH - meni se tako grozno mehurčka tako kot lilko, ampak mi je lilkota danes uspelo obvladati z G2G, upam, da bo rozika isto tako obvladljiva. x)
ReplyDeleteSi pa dobr namešala, res lepa roza, da o imenu ne govoirim! :) Pa rožice so cute! <3 Škoda za mehurčke, mene vse mine, če jih zasledim. Al pa k se butnem v noht takoj po tem k jih frišno nalakiram, ne more mi bit slabše. xD
Lakci iz CAH so full lepi, edino to, da so težavni pri nanašanju jim lepoto spodbija, sam vrjetno je res treba neko tehniko poiskat pa gre, morem enkrat probat z Essie G2G, samo si ga morem prej nabavit=))
ReplyDeleteMehurčki mene tud ful motijo(me kr živčno naredijo, pa sploh nočem več laka sprobat), al pa to, da kam butme, tud js pol kr menjam.
Zmešančku sm pa hotla prvo dat ime Baby pink, sam pol se mi je zdelo, da je to že preveč znucano, bom probala enkrat z drugim podlakom, ker močno sumim moj sedanji podlak, kr se pojavlajo mehurčki kr velikrat in nočem zasovražit polovice mojih lakov=)