On crack!

8:21 PM colorfulbottle 8 Comments


Today I'm going to show you a nail polish that I got as a gift yesterday from my cousin. She knows me too well.
She bought Deborah Pret a Porter Crackle polish no.9. She had no idea that this is a crackle polish so I had to tell her alllll about the crackles =) ( like there is a lot to tell =))
Anyway it wouldn't be me if I wouldn't try it on as soon as possible, and since my cousin said that it would look great over white I just had to polish my nails in this combination =).
I used Essence White Hype and Deborah Pret a Porter no.9 ( one coat of each)

As you can see I started watermarking my pictures in the middle, just because of THIS! If you aren't familiar with the first picture you can find it here. Instead of linking it was easier to chop of half of my finger. I'm really happy that chopping of a finger isn't all that easy in real life  =)

Happy polishing to all of you =)


  1. Super je kombinacija. In všeč mi je, da nisi dodala nadlaka, tako boljše izgleda.

    Kar se pa tiče watermarka na sliki, si storila prav. Prav nesramno je že, kaj se dogaja zadnje čase.

    1. Hvala. Me veseli da se še katera strinja z menoj, pa sj me ne moti če si kdo sposodi sliko, si štejem v čast, ampak da mi pa odrežejo polovico prsta je pa res grdo.

      Glede nadlaka se je pa meni tudi tako zdelo, čeprav se mi je pa okrušila že v manj kot enem dnevu, pa nisem nič kaj več delala kot ponavadi. Je pa res, da sem belega nanesla tud mal bolj na debelo =). No, imam vsaj razlog da jutri sporbam eno holo gradient manikuri, ki sem jo danes delala na prstanu =)

  2. Just to play devil's advocate. She is only 14 and may not understand. Sometimes positive intent goes a long way and it may be helpful if the original owner asks her to be referenced. I work with 14 yr olds and their logic doesn't always make sense. Having said that, it's good that you point that out. I will start putting my watermarks in the middle of my pictures. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I do understand she is only 14 and when I was 14 I also didn't know what is allowed and what not. That is why I didn't attack her ( I only shared this with others). I thought I'd left her a comment about copyright, but I decided that I won't, because I know that if I was 14 and some girl would start lecturing me about how stealing pictures is illegal, I'd be completely upset, and probably never blog again =).
      Thank you for sharing your opinion with me =)

  3. nemoj zezat, nisam ni znala da su deborah crakle-ići ovako dobri *.*
    a što se tiče krađe fotki... desi se... samo se ti potpiši na sredinu pa ti je nitko neće moći ukrasti :-D

  4. Res so lepi, čeprav meni crackle efekt še vedno ni preveč všeč =)

  5. I love this combination of blue and white, so bright and bold :)

    1. polish loving, thank you! It was my cousin's choice =). I think that this combination just screams summer =)


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