Milani 3D Digital vrs. S-he 427

11:34 PM colorfulbottle 11 Comments

Hi ladies. 
I chalanged myself to visit my blog more often, because I really neglected it lately, but now I decided that I have to make at least 15 posts until the end of February. I hope I'll make it =).

For today I prepared a comprasion between 2 beautiful pink holographic polishes. I compared Milani 3D in Digital with S-he stylezone with an INTERESTING name 427 =). The color base is completely the same, but the holographic effect is slightly different, but that doesn't show up really well on pictures. 
Here is a bottle comparison:

You can see, that they look a bit different in the bottles , and that Milani has more scattered holo than S-he 

Now to the pictures on nails: 
I applied 2 coats of S-he on my pinkie and middle finger, and 3 coats of Digital on index and ring finger. Both dried really fast =)

I deliberately picked up the biggest picture size for you to see the holographic effect. As you can see there is only a slight difference in the holographic effect. Do you agree with me?

Would you notice that I wear 2 different polishes if I would post this pictures and say I wear 1 polish?

Though they are so close I'm still really happy to have both in my collection.

Do you own any of these 2 polishes?


  1. Vjeruj mi da ja ne bi skužila da imaš 2 različita laka da nisi rekla. Stvarno jako slično izgledaju, a S-he imam tako da nema potreba i da Milani uzimam.

  2. if you didn't say that those were 2 different polishes, i will think that you are just wearing 1! they are sooo alike. like this post!

  3. I don't even own this one :o) For some reason, I didn't think I needed a pink holo polish, but now I'm not so sure...

    They do look very similar, but it looks like the holo is a little smoother in the S-he than in the Milani (which I know has more of a scattered, multi-size/shape type of holo since I've seen it up close in person). Great comparison!

  4. i'd been dying to get that milani holo! aarrhhh, it's not available here =(

  5. those are so pretty! i have the Milani one..but i havent tried it yet. i should do it soon :P

  6. Meni se zdita preceeej podobna :) še dobro da je S-he 427 že v moji zbirki...res eden izmed ljubših odtenkov <3

  7. They are almost the same to me, and I think I wouldn't be able to make the difference.

  8. radije bih uzela lak kojem su dovoljna dva sloja pa je za mene s-he pobjednik, inaće ih je nemoguće razlikovat :-)

  9. Upam, da si res nista spet toooliko podobna. :/ Ker Milani je dober približek holotov iz Kaleidoscope kolekcije, tak da ga je prav nujno potrebno imeti. :D

  10. ja bi ih proglasila duplicima :) i imam 427

  11. Lalica, če imaš S-he, potem Milani res ni potreben, ampak seveda sem vesela da imam oba, pa čeprav sta si skoraj enaka =)

    Jan, thank you for your comment =). They do look pretty close.

    Goose, you don't have this one? Well that is a big surprise, because I remember reading on your blog that you have 500+ polishes =). Now I reall hope, that my package comes there soon, so you will be able to try out this S-he polish. I'm really sorry that you have to wait so long. I was really worried that the package might get lost, and you won't be able to get magnetic polishes, but now I'm not worried that much, because Essence will put 5 magnetic polishes in their regular line now, and even if the package gets lost, I'll be able to gather the whole package again =)
    And you are right, the holo on S-he is smoother =)
    rosey, Milani is not available here ether, but I got in a swap. I hope you'll get something similar from another brand that is available where you live =)

    Katrina, I think that you really have to try it soon, can't wait to see what kind of masterpiece you'll create =)

    Sparkle*, tale S-he ye res božanski, ni čuda, da je eden izmed tvojih najljubših =)

    Une Ruxi a Paris, totally agree with you, tnx for your comment =)

    Nail Crazy, se strinjam, tudi jaz imam raje lake za katere potrebuješ manj plasti, čeprav se Milani res zelo hitro suši =)

    Ivana, sa si kr podobna, če odšteješ holo efekt, ampak v senci si pa nista tako zelo podobna, ker imata drugačne holografske delce not, res škoda da tega nisem slikala, bom mogla še enkrat primerjavo naredit =O

    Lendoxia, mogoče bi pa res lahko bila, ampak sta pa vseeno malo različna, res škoda, da mi to ni uspelo tako dobro ujeti na sliki =)


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