Cosmetic fair
This Sunday I went on a cosmetic fair with
Passing Fancy( she also has an amazing giveaway). We had a wonderful time, like we always do when we are together =), but the cosmetic fair was a bit disappointing, especially for her, because there wasn't a lot of MU and she likes MU a lot more than nail polishes, but she bought quite a few polishes though =). I was kinda disappoited, because I went there last year too, and there were more brands than this year. I really hope thet there will be more sellers there next year. Though it disappointed me, I still bought a lot of thing =).
Here are the things I bought :
Tangle Teezer
I must say that I just love this product. It is really gentle to my hair, and since I have wavy hair, it is always difficult to brush them without a single hair brake, but with this product I didn't hear the sound of hair braking even once =))))
5 nail polishes for me
From L to R: Cm Fast drying top coat, Magnetic: Freakin' Violet, Magnetic Spect. stone, Magnetic: Shimmering Silver and CG: TMI
Some thought about my new polishes:
I didn't expect a lot from Cm fast drying top coat, and I was right, it really is crap if I compare it with Essie G2G, but it is still a bit better then other top coats that aren't fast drying. It also makes my nails really strong. And a funny thing, the lady that sold it to me said it will dry in 1 minute =).
There were a lot of magnetic polishes there, and their normal price is 6€, but there was a special discount so one polish cost 4,65€. I just had to pick up 3. Freakn' Violet is just amazing, and the other 2 are holo and I don't own any holographic polishes like that. .
The last is CG TMI. We were both really surprised to see CG polishes there, because they are not available in Slovenia, except in 1 internet store. And the second surprise was that the polishes were from OMG collection that was discontinued, and the last surprise was the price 7€, which is definitely not a lot for CG in Slovenia. |
Polishes for others
Magnetic: Spect. Stone, Magnetic Freakn' Violet, Magnetic: Powerful Purple |
I got the first 2 polishes for
Rebecca and the last one is for
So what do you think of my new stuff?
TT je prekrasen! <3 Hočem ga! :D Lakci pa... En lepši od drugega. :))
ReplyDeleteOhhh I'm jealous!
ReplyDeleteI want a tangle teaser so bad! My hair brush destroys my hair. :'(
Magnetic Freakin' Violet? Is it turquoise?
I wish we had Cosmetic Fairs in Idaho!
ReplyDeletekrasni lakići! a gdje je moj :-p
ReplyDeleteIvana, TT je res super =)
ReplyDeleteSkulda, TT is really a must when you try it out, you'll never go back, I hope you'll get it soon.
Freakn' Violet is a dark purple base, filled with green shimmer and blue flakies. I really can't vait to tray it =)
Annelise, I hope you'll get one pretty soon =)
nail crazy, hehe, nisi nič povedala, da bi imela kakšnega. Boš mogla počakati do naslednjega leta, takrat pa lahko kupim tud kakšnega za tebe, pa naredima izmenjavo s kakimi laki, ki niso na voljo v SLO =)
dogodine ti na vrijeme javi kad je sajam i evo mene u celju :-D
ReplyDeletea iskreno, ne znam kojih to lakića nabavim u hrvatskoj da ih gore nema, pa vi imate puno veći izbor :-)
nail crazy, dobro, potem ti pa naslednje leto javim ko bo sejem(če še sploh bo, ker je vsako leto manj razstavljalcev in obiskovalcev), pa si lahko sama pogledaš če so ti kakšni laki všeč =).
ReplyDeleteGotovo bi se kaj takega našlo kar mi nimamo, pa imate vi. Naprimer Catrice LE in pa Essence I love Berlin mi nimamo =)
O, še ena navdušenka Magnetic lakov. Omenila si Powerful Purple - zelo sem navdušena nad njim, obstojnost je neverjetna. Niti kanček se ni okrušil, po dveh dneh so se samo malo obrabile konice. Pa še lep je!
ReplyDeleteJaz sem jih kupila kar nekaj, pravzaprav sem se komaj zadrževala pri nakupu. Sedaj mi je žal, da jih nisem vzela več. Ker jih je mogoče kupiti v Lj, to sploh ni problem. :D
Mamy, s temi laki sem se prvič v živo srečala na sejmu, spoznala sem jih pa seveda na vašem blogu. So mi bile barve zelo všeč, zato sem se mogla kr upirat skušnjavi, da si nisem kupila vče kot 3. Sprobala še nisem nobenega na celi manikuri, ampak verjetno morajo biti res super =). To, da jih lahko kupiš v LJ je pa seveda super, na sejmu je bila pa tud zelo ugodna cena =)
ReplyDeleteTi is really mindblowing sites