My little obsessions
there will be no nails today , but instead I'll show you why I mustn't go shopping any more!
I think I seriously have TOO MANY hand creams, and I think that many girls don't have as many nail polishes as I have hand creams.
Take a look at the picture:
Lemony Flutter is not really a hand cream, but I added it any way |
The saddest thing is that there are a few missing! What do you think? Do you know a girl that has so many hand creams? I guess not.
I know I seriously have to go on a hand cream diet and I really have to start using them, because sometimes I don't even use a hand cream once a week. But it is not totally my fault that I have so many of them, because it is not my fault that people buy them for my birthday and give them to me as a Christmas gift and that there was a big discount on Afrodita hand cream which is one of my favourites.
Since I'm talking about my favorites, I'm going to show you my favourite 3.
Lush Lemony Flutter, Afrodita anti age hand and nail cream, Essence protection balm vanilla&apple |
I love the first because it is really the best product I tried for my cuticles so far. The second and the third I like the most because of the smell, but sadly the last was LE and I can't find it anywhere so I'm saving it =).
The next are lip balms. I own quite a few of them, but I think that the number is not so shocking.
Let's look at the picture:
Only 9, and of course a few is missing=). How many lip balms do you have?
I decided to pick my top 3 here too
Lip Balm- Honey, Cadeavera-Strawberry, Cadeavera- Maracuja |
The first is the one I purchased last, and my brother got really upset, because I told him a few days before that I had stopped buying lip balms for a while, but that is not important, I just wanted to say that this is probably the best lip balm I ever had =)
I also wanted to include a few pictures of my stash, but I realised that I have to be alone at home to take pictures, because if someone accidentally come in my room at the wrong time, I'm literally dead, because nobody except my brother doesn't know that I have A LOT of nail polishes.
So instead of my stash I included a picture of necklaces that are currently in my treasure box. If you want you can check out all the necklaces(except the last baking) that I made here.
I guess now you can see why I named myself colorful(bottle) =) |
So what do you think, am I a big addict, are you know any bigger addicts?
I promise that there will be nails on my blog tomorrow =)
One can never have enough lip balms...NEVER! :D
ReplyDeleteYou need to go to hand cream rehab! haha :)
ReplyDelete^ Agree. :D Haha koliko kremic, upam, da jih vsaj redno uporabljaš. :)) Moram se pohvalit, da poleg lakov nimam drugih obsesij, včasih sem se ful zalagala s šamponi, balzami, maskarami in podobno, pa jih zadnje čase lepo porabim do konca. Kupim le če rabim ali pa če je res kaj v akciji. :)
ReplyDeletelol one can never have too many lipbalms (and of course, blushes for me) haha!
ReplyDeleteaaaaa jaz sem ista, pomoje nihče ne premore toliko krem za roke kot ti in jaz:D samo, da jaz imam še sigurno 15 oljčkou, kremic, maslov za obnohtno kožico..potem pa en teden redno uporabljam in nato pospravim, ker se navlčam-.-
ReplyDeleteDobro je, ja sam mislila da sa 3 kreme za ruke pretjerujem. Hehe.. Ali morat ću po nove jer sam se navikla mazat ruke po par puta dnevno pa su se počele jako brzo trošiti. Kažeš da je ova od Afrodite dobra? Baš ću ju morat probat.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment on my Super STARS post. I love your beautiful necklaces!!!
ReplyDeletehaha :) ja imam jednu kremu i jedan balzam za usne koji prakticki ni ne koristim ^_^
ReplyDeleteMaki, hehe. You are probably right, especially if you have one or two in purse, one on the desk, one by the bed......
ReplyDeleteVintage Makeup, I totally agree, or maybe I should start using hand cream at least 4 times a day =)
Ivana, fora je v tem, da se mi jih je tok nabralo, ker pol pozabim uporabljat vse skup, ene par mi je pa škoda, ker vem, da jih ne morem več kupit =). Upam da mi jih uspe porabit =). Lepo je čut, da je tebe minilo, morem zaj ugotovit kaj bo pri meni zaleglo =)
Jennifer, hehe, everyone has something that loves spending money for =)
Anna, lepo je vedet da nisem edina =)
Lalica, Afrodita je res dobra, pa še diši lepo =). Bom mogla js tud spremenit navade in začet bolj redno uporabljati kreme za roke =)
Annelise, you'r welcome and thank you for your comment =). Thank you for your comment on my nacklaces, you can see more detailed pictures on my second blog =)
Lendoxia, to je še najboljše, ker potem se ti nič ne nabira domo, tako kot se je meni polno stvari nabralo =)
ogrlice su ti genijalne :-)
ReplyDeletenail crazy, hvala =)