I just had to do something else than maths =(

11:36 PM colorfulbottle 14 Comments

I was learning maths today practically all day long, and when I'm learning, I'm subconsciously ruining my manicure by tearing off the polish. Sometimes I try to prevent that by putting another layer of polish on( and because of the drying process, I leave it alone for 30 minutes or so). Because I don't like learning maths theory, I tried extra hard, and do something special, just to be away from my books for a while longer. I'm not proud of this(using polishing for excuse). Do you (did you ever) do something like that?

Here is my manicure. I used Lacura- Cyclam and Catrice- Poison me, Poison you(one of my favorite polishes)
Here are the pictures:


  1. Wow! Zelo, ampak res zelo mi je všeč! Sploh to, da je en noht drugačen, kaj takega na sebi še nisem sprobala, mi je pa ta kombinacija res prekrasna, rožice so pa le pika na i!

    Jaz moram imeti med učenjem popolno nalakirane nohte, če ne - sledi manikura. Dan pred izpitom pa sploh, če ni vse tipi topi, naredim novo. Tako, da grem na vsak izpit z lepimi nohti. x)

    Joj, tudi sama se moram začeti učiti, malce še odlašam, ampak do januarja se moram organizirati. "Pa saj bo šlo!" :) Lepo se uči!

  2. Very pretty! I love those two colors together.

  3. Popolnoma se lahko podpišem pod Ivano :)

  4. Oh yes! I keep peeling off my polish when I study & when I'm nervous. And I always do it in the middle of the day, so I have to go around with partly peeled off polish :) ewalicious!

    I think once PMPY gets in one's collection, it can't be unloved :)

  5. I love it! The combination and the flowers are wonderful!

  6. Ivana, hvala ti. Tole z enim nohtom drugačnim mi je na sliki lepše, kot pa potem ko sem kaj delala, ker je bil en noht drugačne barve in me je skos motilo=)

    Tud jaz rada grem z tipi topi nohti na izpite=)

    Glede učenja pa nima motivacije, imam pa že 15.11 en izpit, poleg tega je zaj tu še dejstvo da ponavljam in bi se res rada čimprej rešla vsega skupaj, da se slučajno kaj takega nei ponovilo=(. Tudi tebi želim uspešno učenje

    Megan, tnx. I think that this colors realy fit together nicely =).

    Lunatica, hvala=)

    Ania, thank you=)

  7. wow! this is super!! I damage my manicure too while studying :(

  8. Ina, hvala

    Daria, spasiba( I hope I wrote it correctly)=).
    I hate the feeling that I have to walk around with half peeled polish( I really must change some of my learning habbits).
    I agree eon the PMPY=)

    ABOP,tnx a lot.Considering the comments I got, maths should be proud to be so boring=)

  9. Alice, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one=). What do you study(if it is not a secret)?

  10. Haha! I'm always messing around with my nail polish whenever I get down to studying. So my solution for whenever i'm studying is to set my alarm to an hour just seriously studying and then when the alarm goes off, I surf the net or do my nails for 30mins, then study another hour and just goof around the next 30mins. I do this until I can't take studying anymore. This way, I don't feel so bad cos I did do some serious studying. :D

  11. Wow, this studying strategy is amazing, I think I'm gonna try it. I have nothing to loose. Tnx =)


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