Blue My Mind

5:16 PM colorfulbottle 10 Comments

I made it. I passed maths =)))). Only 4 exams to go =)

I have another blue another polish I got in my nail mail for you today. This blue is also amazing, and again I had some difficulties with the color on the camera( maybe it's not the color or the camera, maybe it's me). It is from H&M, and has a typical blue polish name Blue My Mind( I think that about 25% blues are called like that). I liked the application, but hated the brush. I applied 2 coats. 

 Here are the pictures:


  1. Yay for passing maths! :D
    I like this color!Lovely and unique shade of blue!

  2. Česititke za matematiko! Pa je šlo! Jupi! :)

    Tale je lepotec, da mu ga ni para. :P Krasno ti pristoji!

  3. Good job! This is a gorgeous blue on you!

  4. Ria, tnx, I totally agree with you on the color =)

    Ivana, hvala za VSE! ^-^

    ABOP. thank you =)

    Alice, thank you dear :D

    Biba, hvala =D

  5. Čestitam za izpit :) Blue my mind je pa res pogosto ime za modre lake

  6. Ina, hvala. Verjetno jim pri modrih vedno zmanjka insipracije za bolj izvirno ime =)

  7. Blues are one of my favorites and I do a blue post every Monday :)

  8. rmcandlelight, That's nice to know, because when I'll be in a search for a special blue polish, I'll know where to look for it =)

    Lately I have a thing for blue too =)

    It's nice to have a day specially reserved for a special color =)


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