...my first bourjois polish and question for all of you...
Yesterday I bought my first BourjoisParis polish called Rouge escarpin from So lacque! line. I had to try it on, and I like the color. I applied 2 coats and I am in love with the brush. Usually when I try a new brand of polish I have difficulties with application, because I'm not used to a brush, but with this one I had no problems and NO clean up. This is why I love it even more, the only bad thing is that it chipped on my index finger today, but it is probably because my index nails ar in a horrible shape(nail splitting)
Here are the pictures:

with another necklace that I made

And here comes my question actually I have 2 questions =).
Because some people liked my necklace pictures and wanted to buy them I sold them, and I'm asking you now: Do you think that 6€ is too much for one necklace?
My friends also suggested me that I should create a page on facebook where I would sell my jewelry and I also think that this is a great idea, since I'll have plenty time during next year( I didn't successfully pass all exams on collegue and now I have to be in first year again)
Here is my second question:
How should I name the facebook page? (All Slovenian followers are welcome to write a name in Slovenian)
I would love to hear(read) your suggestions =))))
Have a nice one, girls.
I think this colour looks great on you!
ReplyDeleteYou could open an Etsy store and sell your jewellery.It's much safer that way.I don't think 6 euros is much for a necklace, considering it's unique.
You can call it "colorfully yours".
That is a great color! I don't think 6EU is too much for your necklace. I echo what Ria said.
ReplyDeleteLep in super ti paše :)
ReplyDeleteI like it ::D
ReplyDeleteZelo je lep! In zelo, zelo ti paše! <3
ReplyDeleteKar se tiče imena na FB - ti težko svetujem, ker sem sama zelo brez domišljije, dokaz temu je ime mojega bloga. x)
Kar se tiče pa cene - meni se ne zdi predrago! Ne vem, koliko stane ves material za izdelavo, vendar mislim, da cena ročno izdelanega nakita mora pokriti ceno materiala + vsaj nekaj dodatnega pa za tvoje ročno delo! :)
I think that 6 is a good price :) mmm I don't know about the name... I'm not very good at it :P
ReplyDeleteRia, tnx for the advice, I love the name you suggested, I think that I'll use it. Tnx for the comment on the polish=)
ReplyDeleteMegan, tnx for reading my blog and commenting,I really appreciate this. Also tnx for your suggestion *hug*
Lyra, hvala ti za komentar tukaj in na arsu =)
youknow, tnx
Ivana, Hvala=). Meni se zdi tvoje ime bloga precej zanimivo, še posebej ker sem rabila kar nekaj časa da sem ugotovila kaj sploh pomeni(dokler nisem prebrala posta)(sem bolj skregana z razumevanjem hrvaščine in temu jeziku podobnim jezikom).
Glede cene se tudi meni še ne zdi tako veliko, ker koliko sem gledala cene po trgovinah za kič so se gibale od 7€ dalje, pa tudi na netu jih prodajajo za več kot 7€, meni je v končni fazi bolj pomembno da uživam pri izdelovanju in da nekdo uživa v nošenju, kot pa da bi delala milijonske dobitke iz tega=)
Verižice komot prodajaš po ceni 6 ali 7 € navzgor. Na FB spremljam veliko teh ustvarjalk in imajo take cene.
ReplyDeleteIme... mogoče kaj takega kot - Umetnije izpod (tvoje ime) prstkov :)
Alice, We posted a comment at the same time=), tnx for the comment
ReplyDeleteBiba, super predlog za ime, mogoče boš pa čez kak teden res dobila kako povabilo da se pridružiš skupini s takim imenom =)
Torej kako se sliši Umetnije izpod Dolores(kinih) prstkov =)?
Sliši se dobro! *thumbs up*
ReplyDeleteNo, če se odločiš za svojo stran, me kar povabi :)
Biba, seveda si dobrodošla =), še enkrat hvala za to super idejo =)