Movie star?
Because Bourjois polish chipped fast, had to change my mani though I really liked the color. I decided to wear my newest polish Essence Movie star from We saw it first LE. This polish was opaque in 2 coats, no problems with application, but when I applied it, I suddenly remember why I have no other grey polishes in my collection. I HATE GREY because it is so boring, that is why I newer bought a gray polish.
Besides I had to look at my grey nails all day I had a really terrible day today: I almost ruined lunch(steaks almost got burnt), I got a bad news from college, I hurt my left arm and did the worst konad stamping of my life.
Well anyway here are the pictures :
Direct morning sunlight...(although all the bad things today, this pictures remind me that the day starded good, and that tomorrow is another day)
Shade....did you notice, that the polish dries a bit darker than it is in the bottle?

Note that am really ashamed of the stamping I did, but I like the color combination. (in my diffence I used this design for the fist time , I used Essence stampy white and Movie star for stamping, and I also deliberately made a bad picture*evil*) on top I put Essence matt top coat
Here is the answer to all of you who might asked yourself why I put the question tag after the polish name.
I was asking myself if this is really a color of a movie star, because I imagine their life like a wild trip, and I would newer put wild and grey together. Would you?
Can you imagine how it would be like if you would be a movie star?
Besides I had to look at my grey nails all day I had a really terrible day today: I almost ruined lunch(steaks almost got burnt), I got a bad news from college, I hurt my left arm and did the worst konad stamping of my life.
Well anyway here are the pictures :
Direct morning sunlight...(although all the bad things today, this pictures remind me that the day starded good, and that tomorrow is another day)
Shade....did you notice, that the polish dries a bit darker than it is in the bottle?
Note that am really ashamed of the stamping I did, but I like the color combination. (in my diffence I used this design for the fist time , I used Essence stampy white and Movie star for stamping, and I also deliberately made a bad picture*evil*) on top I put Essence matt top coat
Here is the answer to all of you who might asked yourself why I put the question tag after the polish name.
I was asking myself if this is really a color of a movie star, because I imagine their life like a wild trip, and I would newer put wild and grey together. Would you?
Can you imagine how it would be like if you would be a movie star?
Tudi jaz še v svoji zbirki nimam nobenega sivega laka, zato sem razmišljala o tem, da bi kupila tega. Barva mi je kar všeč, čeprav sem bolj za kako vijolično ali modro.
ReplyDeleteNa mojem blogu te čakata dve nagradi:
I'm sorry about your day... hope tomorrow the sun will shine for you <3
ReplyDeleteIf I was a star... I'll buy tons of nail polishes :P
Taya, tudi jaz nisem na sivo, ampak zadnje čase sem že tok na lake nora, da kupim skoraj vsakega od Essence(res ugodna cena). Jaz sem res najbolj nora na rdečo in vijolično, ampak jih imam že toliko.....
ReplyDeleteHvala za nagradi =)
Alice, tnx for your kind words, I hope so too.
I think that if I were a movie star I would also have loads of polishes, but I would still polish my nails alone =)
Sicer kot lak sam ni napačen, ampak res ni moja barva. :) Je treba poživet jesenske in potem še zimske dni. x)
ReplyDeleteIf I were a movie star... Uhhhh, si sploh ne znam predstavljat! Ö Edino, kar je meni všeč, je veeeeeeliko $$$! In vse kar pride z njim... Vile, avti, oblačila, čevlji, .. In laki, itak. x) Richie Rich. :D
Kar se tiče pa tega, da te potem res vsi poznajo in da nimaš res nikjer miru, še k greš v trgovino ti za petami stoji 10 paparacijev... Pa mediji... Me pa rees mine. :D
$$$$ se pa ne bi branila. :P
Upam, da bo jutri boljši dan zate!
Ivana, meni zudi pozimi pašejo zelo "močne" barve =)
ReplyDeleteUff ja, je res da ima vsaka dobra stvar tud slabe stvari. Sam tega si pa res ne znam predstavljat, da bi mi skos nekdo sledil, si zmišleval svari o meni.....=(
Danes je res bil boljši dan=)
beautiful colour
Sarina, tnx =)