Yesterday I asked you my dear followers which polish to wear today. One of my followers, Ivana(check out here blog if you haven't), said that I should wear something that is associated with fall. I looked through my stash and found a beautiful purple shimmery S-he polish which has a "beautiful" name 376.
I said to myself that this is the one.
This nail polish applied nicely, I applied 2 coats. I just love it. I hope it kinda associates you with fall...
...if it doesn't here is a picture that definitely will...
In the town where I live we call this fruit "čveček", but in Slovenian we call it "sliva" or in English if you might don't know this fruit is called plum.
Here are two pictures of this purple goddess in shadow...

I fall in love twice today, firstly I fell in love with this color and later I fell in love with Essie God 2 Go. It was love at first try and I really don't know how could I live 20 years without it=). I am definitely never gonna change my top coat again. Now I just have to find a perfect base coat.
Till next time, colorfulbottle
I said to myself that this is the one.
This nail polish applied nicely, I applied 2 coats. I just love it. I hope it kinda associates you with fall...
In the town where I live we call this fruit "čveček", but in Slovenian we call it "sliva" or in English if you might don't know this fruit is called plum.
Here are two pictures of this purple goddess in shadow...
I fall in love twice today, firstly I fell in love with this color and later I fell in love with Essie God 2 Go. It was love at first try and I really don't know how could I live 20 years without it=). I am definitely never gonna change my top coat again. Now I just have to find a perfect base coat.
Till next time, colorfulbottle
Haha, it's sliva in russian too!
ReplyDeletePretty pretty colour,totally fall!
Daria, it is really interesting how similar Slavic languages are. My father was in Russia a few times and tried to learn me a few words ( I can remember only two now, and even for this two I am not sure if spelled correctly sabak-dog and samaljot-plane XD ). I also tried to learn Cyrillic, but at least half of it is already forgotten. Also Russia is one of my favorite countries and I am definitely planning to visit it....
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comment =))))
Vem, da sm prej popoldne vidla še tvoj post, k si meni pomagala da nekako pridem do MAAH pa zdj ne najdem, tko da se ti tuki zahvalim! Ma res si srček! <3 Hvala ful! :*
ReplyDeleteDrgač pa je tole res prava jesenska barva! Super si zbrala! Pa zdj se mi luštajo slive, pri teti jih je blo tok na drevesu, da so se veje kr lomile pa nobene nism pojedla, zdj bi jih pa tok. :P
Kar se pa tiče G2G - A sm ti rekla. :) To je res odkritje stoletja. :P
amm, glede posta, ni blo nobenega odgovora, pa v enem izmed komentarjev si napisala, da si ga že našla nekje na netu, pa sem zbrisala post, verjetno preveč hitro=(. Res upam da pride do tebe, čeprav pa tale nova kolekcija opijev res izgleda odlično=)
ReplyDeleteZa barvo sem pa iskala jesensko roziko, pa je nisem našla=)
Upam, da jih boš še dobila možnost se s slivami posladkat, js sm se danes prav napokala z njimi=)
G2G je pa res sveti gral med nadlaki, nikoli več drugega, res je 10€ (in to za moj študentski račun zelo drago), ampak je vreden vsakega centa.
Ah sj ni panike, sam k sm se hotla zahvalt, k nism mela časa napisat komentar k sm vidla. =) Sej pravim, res hvala! :) Amm drgač pa ja, naročila sm ga na E-bayu, zdj pa upam, da pride čimprej!! :) Kar se tiče pa nove kolekcije pa že kar vidim, kako bom bankrotirala. Ö
ReplyDeleteSe strinjam, cena G2G ni ravno lepa, ampak se mi zdi da ga maš kr za dosti časa. Se splača našparat dinarčke zanj. :)
Great color!! It's a little frosty but not enough to make streaks.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, purple...great shade :-) ...but I had S-he polish once and it lasted on my nails just about one/two days :-(
ReplyDeleteIvana upam da res čimprej pride in v enem kosu=).
ReplyDeleteRavno zaradi cene sem odlašala z nakupom G2G, ampak je res vreden vsakega centa
Megan, yeah it is a bit frosty, but no streaks I am always really sad when I see streaks...but I'm trying to figure it out how to apply streaky polish without streaks=)
Markett, thanks, S-he polishes don't last long on my nails too, but I change my mani usualy every second day so that is not a big problem for me=)