I don't know
Actually I know some things. I know that I got my first China Glaze nail polish, and I also know I love it and this won't be my last China glaze nail polish. The formula was a bit runny, and I applied 3 coats, because simply 2 coats wasn't good enough, but I forgive it, because it is sooo beautiful. It is a lovely holographic lavender. Here are some pictures:

I also had to learn today because I have plenty of exams to make till October, but instead I did only foolish thing, like change the authors last name from Brenčič to Vinčič( I don't know the if there is a word for that in English, but it definitely has to do something with wine) and of course boo the book =).
Oh, I totally forgot( did that on purpose) The name of the polish is IDK (I don't know).
I also had to learn today because I have plenty of exams to make till October, but instead I did only foolish thing, like change the authors last name from Brenčič to Vinčič( I don't know the if there is a word for that in English, but it definitely has to do something with wine) and of course boo the book =).
Oh, I totally forgot( did that on purpose) The name of the polish is IDK (I don't know).
Awwwwwwww kok je pa lep! <3 Je na moji WL že dolgo časa. <3 Pa veliko sreče na izpitih! Sm na istem, samo odlagam in spet bo prepozno. :/
ReplyDeleteAh, sem že čisto obupala nad tem, da bom letnik naredla, samo se še vseeno trudim narediti čim več izpitov.
ReplyDeleteKaj pa študiraš?
Drugače pa hvala za srečo, js tebi tud želim čim več uspehov. =)
This is sooo pretty on you. You remind me as well that I still have quite a few polishes in that collection that I haven't worn as well.
ReplyDeleteI like the way you put the name of the polish in the title -- I was wondering which polish it was and didn't realize you had just spelled out the IDK. That made me laugh =)
tnx, I love IDK, maybe even more because it is my first real holographic nail polish with rainbow effect. I have some untried nail polishes myself(I hope, that I won't be neglecting them much longer), I hope you'll swatch them soon.
ReplyDeleteI sometimes have days when I have crazy ideas, and the title was one of them=), I'm glad that it made you laugh...
Ammm sm na upravi. :/ Krneki. :D Men se tudi ne da, ker bom naslednje leto absolventka in imam še celo leto čas za izpite... :D Lenoba! Upam pa, da po diplomi nadaljujem na ekonomski. Bomo vidl!
ReplyDeleteTi pa na kemiji? Svaka čast, men kemija nikol ni bla jasna. :D
Pol ti ni všeč uprava? Sj ti bo pa pol na ekonomski bolj fajn =).
ReplyDeleteJs sm pa šele na začetku, drugač sm pa na kemiji zato, ker mi je za farmacijo 0,6 točke zmanjkalo, ampak me je že od nekdaj veselila kot taka, ko je pa treba predelat učbenik s 500 stranmi, je pa malj bol smotana.
Mah kje... Na upravo sm se vpisala le zato, ker ni bilo omejitve, na konc gimnazije se mi pa tud sanjal ni, kva bi rada počela. :) No sej še zdej ne vem kva bi... :/ Srčno upam, da mi bo na ekonomski, če sploh prilezem tja, boljše. :)
ReplyDeleteA res, oh tako malo! :/ Škoda... Ampak vsaj veseli te! Knjige boš pa že predelala. ;)
Za vsakega se prej ko slej najde nekaj kar ga veseli.
ReplyDeleteSi že mogoče kdaj reševala program Kam in kako, mogoče ti bo kako pomagal. Sm ga enkrat v 2 letniku srednje šole reševala, pa mi je vn vrglo kemijo, tk da mogoč pa le mal deluje. =)
Za knjigo pa tk pravim, enkrat jo bom že, letos al pa naslednje leto=)