Busy Life

9:00 PM colorfulbottle 8 Comments


In this post I'll show you a few things that made me busier than I expected for the last few weeks.

I have an exam on Tueseday! 450 pages of theory from Physical Chemistry and another 50 pages of calculation exercises with loads of calculus, logarithms, and other math crap. Yes, I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself. Did I forgot to mention that our exam is written for 3 hours?  

 Before I started my 14 day quest to learn for my exam, me and my father decided to do some minor repairs all over the house. Soon we changed our minds and ended up with a week and a half of hard work all days long. I really don't mind all the hard work since I ended up with freshly painted room =). 

And after I finally thought that all is over and I can finally dedicate more attention to my blog, my flash drive died. I lost pictures for at least 15 post.

This Friday my grandmother celebrated her 70th birthday. We had a small party at our house.
Here is a picture of me and my family
from L to R:
My father, me, my grandmother, my brother and my mother.
We look really depressive. The party wasn't it's just the fact that we are no used to taking pictures =)

Since I finally took pictures of my freshly painted room, I snapped a few crappy pictures of my nail polish collection:

Quite a lot of nail polish I have in my second apartment in Ljubljana.

And to finish this random post I'd like to show you my newest handbag.
It's nothing fancy, but it's what I've been looking for. I'm glad I find it, and it was also really cheap ( I think 24€ is almost a steal for a bag like that)


  1. Sretno s fizikalnom, ajde nije tako strasna jednom kad je se polozi :D meni je bilo jako drago kad sam je se rjesila

    1. Nisem vedela, da je poleg mene še kakšna kemičarka v svetu blogov! Res sem vesela da nisem edina!
      Sedaj pišem elektrokemijo, kinetiko, kemijske raztopine in pa ravnotežja. S termodinamiko sem k sreči opravila že januarja =).
      Pa hvala, bom potrebovala veliko sreče =)

  2. Replies
    1. hvala =)! Na žalost nisem naredila, bo pa mogoče naslednjič več sreče =)

  3. Ful lepo sobo imaš! Mi je všeč nova barva- kakšno si pa prej imela?
    Pa tvoj brat je že skor odrasel- sploh nisem prepoznala :O
    Vse najboljše babici pa vso srečo na izpitu!

    1. Hvala! Meni se ne zdi nič posebnega. Mogoče je samo tist kotiček ki sem ga poslikala zanimiv =). OStalo je pa bolj porazno. Če živiš v stari hiši, bolj težko narediš kaj prefinjenega =). Prej je bla pa bela in oranžna =)
      JA, žiga je pa že res velik =). 188cm mislim da nima več kam rastit. Najhuje je, da ima 46 številko čevljev =).
      NA izpitu ni najbilj šlo, upam da bo več sreče prihodnjič =)

  4. joj joj, samo ti uči, mi nećemo pobjeći ;)
    sretno na ispitima :D
    da znaš da baš ličiš na baku :D

    1. A se ti zdi, da sem podobna babici? Tega mi pa res nikoli nihče še ni povedal. Vsi pravijo da sem zelo podobna atiju =).
      Hvala za srečo, na žalost nisem naredila, bo pa mogoče naslednjič bolje =)


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