Peachy Keen

11:11 PM colorfulbottle 13 Comments


Today I'm going to show you another old manicure, but I really like the way it turned out and this is why I decided that I'm going to show you this one first =). 
I started off with 2 coats of Peachy Keen from China Glaze, but  I really didn't like the color, so I decided to give it an upgrade =). But take a look at Peachy Keen on it's own on my nails =)
I got this one from Ivana to try out. 
Thank you dear =)

 And as I already said I had to spice it up and also cover the color, because I didn't like the way it looked on me. Here is what I got:
I used BM 16 and Lacura polish in Cherry ( I think)

I was really in love in this manicure, and I can't wait to try this design again =)
Another picture: 

Like it?

Tomorrow I'm going to show you my first french manicure =)
Have a nice day!


  1. Wow! Tole je pa je zakon kombinacija! Veš, mislim, da rabim tele platke tudi jaz ... zelo lepo zgleda! Aja, btw, sem napisala na svoj blog, pa ne vem, če čekiraš potem še kaj komentarje - v Maxiju so imeli, nazadnje ko sem preverila, še dokaj polno stojalo Blossoms etc. (prejšnji teden sem bila tam), tudi rumenega so imeli. Če nisi zdaj nič v Lj, mi sporoči, ti ga lahko vzamem. :)

  2. oooo kok lepa manikura:):).....res vem kako ti rata tako natančno:) pa da se ti nič ne spacka:) umetnica :)))

  3. Baš je slatko,meni pečat nikada ne uspije...

  4. i love this color! the red definitely took it up a notch!

  5. Wonderful color, even on its own :)

  6. Cute design! I love that color on you, it looks way better on you than it does on me!

  7. I love this! The colour combination you chose goes perfectly with the image. Great manicure :-)

  8. I like the base colour, but it looks even better with that stamp on it! :D

  9. Ulmiel, Tele platke imajo nekatere vzorčke res lepe, ampak nekateri so poškodovani, in nekateri niso dovolj globoki, tako, da dobiš to, kar se spodobi za nesramno nzko ceno =). pa tud all over vzorčki so premajhni za moj palec in sredinec, tako da če boš pogledala sliko, boš ugotovila, da sem na sredincu potrebovala doštukat. Če hoče, ti pošljem kakšno, da si jih pobliže ogledaš, pa sprobaš, če ti bojo ustrezale.
    In res ti hvala za ponudbo glede rumenkota. Grem v četrtek v LJ, upam da še me čaka, drugače bom pa tudi preživela =)

    Pink diamond, hvala=). Pa res ni tako lepo poštempljano, poglej sredinec, ki je doštempljan, pa ponekod malo vzorčka manjka. Ampak vaja dela mojstra. Vzorčke se pa ne razmaže, ker pustim, da se malo posuši, potem pa zelo veliko količino nadlaka s 3 potegi na zelo hitro razporedim na nohtu =).

    nina, hvala. Vaja dela mojstra! Sem pa prepričana, da so prav lepi tvoji poskusi =)

    Enamel firl, thank you =)

    Just me and hohner, I'm glad you like it =)

    Eileen, thank you! Are you sure about how it look so me, because I felt like a clown wearing it =)

    Vintage makeup, thank you and thank you for all the comments. You really are sweet =)

    Laura, thank you for such a lovely comment =)

    Elsa P. I'm glad you like it, but I'm still not sure about the base =)

    nail crazy, hvala draga =)

    Thank you for your kind comments!
    You all rock!

  10. What a gorgeous mani! I'm in love with the unusual french tip!
    P.s. My name is Dolores too! :D


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