My boyfriend's jeans got flaked and a giveaway questino

8:04 PM colorfulbottle 20 Comments

Hi, I don't feel like writing a lot today, because I'm really sick.
Here are pictures of a manicure that I wore a week ago.
2 coats of Essence Denim Wanted My boyfriend's jeans. It dried really fast and I had no poroblem with application.

(sorry for the bad blurry photo)

Because I wanted to spice it up, I applied 1 coat of Essence Glisten up. Here is the final look:

In the end I'd like to ask you for your opinion. I realised that I have just too many nail polish, and for some of them I'm positive that I'm never going to wear again. So I decided that I'll make a recycle giveaway, which means that I'll give away used polishes and now I am asking you what do you think about my idea. Is it like: "Hell no, I'm not gonna participate, because they were used!", or is it: "That's not such a bad idea."?


  1. I would participate. Some people give used polishes away to charities/shelters/etc.

  2. Gorgeous combination :) Hope you feel better soon!

    I would also participate - I think it's a really good idea to pass along polishes that you don't love much that others might be excited about :)

  3. Super izgleda, še posebej tale z glisten up<3
    Hitro se pozdravi:*
    za lakce pa itak, da je kul:)

  4. Hope you'll heal soon!
    I don't care at all if they're used!
    I love giveaways ^^
    Thanks for the idea!

  5. Absolutely! Used nail polish doesn't bother me at all. It isn't like lipstick or something. I don't imagine germs on peoples' nails lol. I would be so happy to win a bunch of used polishes!!

    And I like that denim! It's a bit like China Glaze's First Mate.

  6. I totally forgot to say I LOVE the combination of polishes!

  7. Prekrasen lak. Z Glisten Up izgleda super.
    Se strinjam s predhodnicami, mislim, da bi nas kar precej sodelovalo v giveawayu, tudi če so laki že bili uporabljeni. :)

  8. That's a great idea, I would enter it :)
    As long as you emphasize that nail polish is used, there should be no problem :)

  9. Really nice looking combination :)

  10. its a great giveaway idea! im thinking about doing the same :D,

  11. nice combination!! the color blends well with each other, <3 it!

  12. I'd participate in a giveaway with used polishes. Like Painting Rainbows mentioned, it's not like it's that personal an object not to share. Go for it! You'll have more space, and make other people happy at the same time! Win-win situation! ;)

  13. That's not such a bad idea! That's great!

  14. I would totally participate in a used polish giveaway! IMO, it's not like you're giving away used mascara or anything...

  15. dobra kombinacija :-D
    vidim da se i ideja o giveawayu dobro primila :-)

  16. Joooj, zakon kombinacija! Zdaj moram pa RES že preizkusit Glisten Up! Samo Choose me sem dala na nohte iz nagradice, prav nerodno mi je. Zadnje čase laki za nohte dežujejo po meni. Ne da se protožujem, samo težko jih izberem za na noht. :D Hitro se pozdravi! Jaz sem se pa že spraševala, kam si zginila. ;)

  17. PS: Ideja za GA mi je pa všeč, tudi sama načrtujem nekaj podobnega, ko bom utegnila. :) Mislim, da je odlična ideja za menjavo lakov.

  18. Thank you for your comments and get well wishes. The GA idea is in the action so if there is a girl that hasn't entered yet, what are you waiting for =).

    Ulimel, izginila sem predvsem zato, ker sem bila res preveč na internetu in sem potrebovala odklop, in pa še preselila sem se v študentski dom, kar posledično pomeni, da vsaj 2 dneva tedensko nimam dostopa do interneta, ker ne nosim prenosnika s seboj. =)


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