Handwriting Tag

4:20 PM colorfulbottle 7 Comments


You've probably seen this tag on a lot of blogs, and because I like it, I decided that I'm going to make it as well, though I know that I write like a doctor =). Also I admit, I'm kinda selfish, because I decided to do this tag, because I'd like to see your handwritings too =).
Here is it, my handwriting:
please forgive me for the bad quality of the picture *blush*

Here is what I had to write:

1. What is your name? And your blog name?
2. Blog URL
3. Write: the brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
4. Favourite quote
5. Favourite song
6. Favourite band/singers
7. Say anything you want
8. Pass it along to a few bloggers

Here are the blogs I tagged with the links, though I know that many of you already know all of these blogs =)

It's your turn to write something pretty now =). have fun doing this =).

P.S. I stole this tag from Jen ( The PolishAholic)


  1. I did this too! I saw it on Jen's earlier, and then yours. :D

  2. oh,hvala na tagu, premda se bojim da će moj rukopis biti teško pročitati :-D

  3. Hvala na tagu. Rukopis ti je prekrasan i svi rukopisi koje sam vidjela.. moj će biti tako grozan... hahhaa..

  4. Joj, sem upala, da me ne bo noben taggal ker sem same lepe pisave vidla, se strinjam z Lalico. :))
    Hvala. :) Mi je pa res zanimivo tole gledat/brat. :)

  5. Hvala za tag, upam, da mi ta teden uspe uploadat. :) Sicer pa imaš zakon pisavo, meni so take zelo všeč. :)

  6. Punce, hvala vam.
    Ladies, thank you all.

    I loved seeing all of your handwritings =)


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