Kelier Crackle polish in black review

1:10 AM colorfulbottle 16 Comments

It's time to review the Kelier crackle nail polish(no.3 on the picture below) from Born Pretty store.
I had I 2 problems with this polish, but when I realised what I was doing wrong I got a pretty cool effect on my nails =).
The first problem was, that this polish doesn't work well with dry nail polishes! It just doesn't stick to it and peels right of when dried.
My second problem was , that I applied the crackle polish on a wet nail polish too fast, and the result was that even the base polish cracked. I really didn't like that result.

To solve my last problem I did a little test. I polished my nails with the base and than waited for 2 minutes and then apply crackle polish on the first nail, than I waited 3 minutes and applied crackle polish on the second nails. In the end I compared the results of the cracking effect, and the one I was most satisfied with was the look I got after 6 minutes. 

The only thing I had to do is to make a manicure that included 6 minutes of drying time for a base =)

I used gold polis from Beautyline as a base 2 coats.

Here is the look I got:


My favourite crack

Under my daylight lamp

I am really impressed by the final look. I have to warn you only about one thing. You should apply a top coat right after the cracking process ended, because if you don't the crackle polish will chip really fast. I took pictures of my manicures 2 hours after I painted my nails, and you can already see, that the polish chipped at my tips.

The polish contains 15ml
The price is 4,52$
you can get it in 8 colors

I just couldn't stop looking at my nails, because I really liked the effect.

How do you like it?
I usually don't like gold color at all, but I'm really in love in this look =)

(this product was sent to me to review from Born Pretty store)


  1. i really like that effect. i have 2 black crack polishes but i want to try it out in a bright color.

  2. Joj super zgleda!!! <3 Meni pa samo take drobne razpokice ratajo... Bi rada pa da bojo take. :D Kompliciram... :)) Ampak so fajni za igrat. :D

  3. Prelep efekt. Čisto drugačen, kot ga naredi Barry M crackle lak. Zelo mi je všeč in super je, da obstaja še v drugih barvah, ne samo črni. ;)

  4. ful dobr! razpoke zgledajo ful bol resnično :) prav tak...3D :D

  5. p.s. zaj pa res komi čakam da ga sprobam ;)

  6. nije lose, doduse ja bi radije da malo vise puca :)


  8. Super ti je uspelo! :) Js se bojim, da meni ne bo tako lepo ratalo... ga pa že komaj čakam. :)

  9. this is soo damn gorgeous!!
    I love it!!
    but I am going to buy opi and cg!!

  10. Meni tale zelo grdo razpoka. Premalo, v bistvu, zato se mi zdi, kot da je res samo slaba manikura, ne crackle polish. Kjerkoli sem ga videla, sem dobila podoben vtis, tako da bom raje posegla po novih ChG, ki precej bolj razpokajo. :) Si pa naredila zelo lep review, prav znanstveno dobila optimalen čas in tako naprej, zelo uporabno!

  11. I have the same!
    I'll try this way, thank you!

  12. Enamel Girl, I like the effect a lot too. I'd also like to try out other colors of crackle effect polishes, but I don't know if I could get any good color combinations =)

    Ivana, a res, samo manjše? Meni so prvič nastale še večje =). Hm, mogoče pa delama različno debele plasti. Za igrat so pa res super. Bom verjetno še kdaj pobrisala prah z njega in ga namalala na nohte =).

    Taya, effekt je res popolnoma drugačen kot pri BarryM lakih, ampak mi je všeč=). To je res super, da je v rezličnih barvah, vsaj za tiste ki nimajo radi črne. MEne je mogeče edino malo strah, da bi potem z barvno kombinacjo čisto mimo vsekala( pri črni ne moreš zgrešit) =).

    Passing Fancy, kaj še čakaš? Čimprej na delo, da vidim slike =). Drugač majo pa bolj 3D efekt zarad tega, ker se jaz budala spomnim šele po 2 urah uporabit nadlak in se je črni lak že malo luščil =).

    Lendoxia, mogoče res, ampak meni je vseeno zelo všeč =).

  13. Belle, thank you=)

    Tassa, Seveda ti bo uspelo! Tebi vedno uspevajo same umetnine. Komaj čakam da vidim slike =).

    Renate, thank you. I might buy OPI or CG too, because of different effect, and I just might try it in another color =).

    Ansa, thank you=).

    Ulimel, A ni ti všeč? Menji sta pa oba efekta všeč( z velikimi ali malimi razpokami). Še dobro da smo si ljudje različni, drugače bi bil svet preveč monoton. Hvala ti za komantar nad celotnim reviewom, mi je polepšal dan=). To z merjenjem časa sem se pa seveda na našem faksu naučila, majo kr radi navado nekaj komplicirat =).

    Rock-or-not, I hope your result will be even better =)

  14. joj, fantastično izgleda :-)
    nadam se da ću se uspjet dokopat kojeg crackla ;-)

  15. nail crazy, hvala! Mislim da boš hitro dobila crackle lag, glede na to, da bo imel zaj Essence the lake v redni prodaji =)


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