Sometimes I just love the postman

11:58 PM colorfulbottle 8 Comments

I just got the best nail mail ever. Ivana sent me 9 amazing polishes to try out. I expected only 3, but there were 9 and I was jumping 10 meters high because of the joy that this package brought to me. Ivana, thank you thousand times *hug*.
Here are the polishes that I got. 
All together

Beautiful pinks, purples, and MOOD POLISHES( I am just dying to try them out)

I just don't know which one to try out first. Do you have any suggestions? =)

thank you
thank you
thank you


  1. Look at all those great polishes! I'm most curious about the green in the top right; don't think I've seen that one before.

  2. Wow! What a great package! I say try one of the blue/green square polishes on the top row.

  3. I wouldn't just love the postman, i would marry it ;)

  4. Yay how nice!
    so colorful!!
    I do love my postman too ^_^

  5. Wooohoo, malenkost! :* Me veseli, da so ti všeč, sem bila v skrbeh, da ti mogoče ne bodo. :) Naj ti lepo služijo!

  6. KarenD, I've never seen anything like that before too, I can't wait to try it on =)

    Megan, I think that I'm really gonna start with blues, they are amazing =)

    Ina, mogoče se bom pa res poročila z njim( ko ga bodo zamenjali s kakim mlajšim) =)

    Arie, I think that all polish junkies have strong feelings for postman =)

    Ivana, SUPER SOOOO, res! Sem danes sprobala Yes Love, pa je čudovit, ampak ga je zelo težko poslikat. S kje pa je sploh ta lak, ker če kje zasledim tele lake, jih kr cel kup nakupim, ker se res zelo lepo nanaša =)

  7. S Tenerifov je. :) Dala mi ga je pa frendica, k se je njena sestra tja preselila in baje so zelo poceni. :D Treba bo it na počitnice tja, seveda ne sam zarad lakov. :P
    Lepo, da so ti všeč! Komi čakam slikice. :)

  8. OOoo, kakšna škoda, js sm pa misla da so kje bližje =(. No, mogoče grem pa kdaj na kak "izlet" tja=).

    Na žalost še nisem uspela komentirati( imam jutri fiziko, in sem zaj tk živčna, da nočem it spat), ampak je tvoja BM konadikura ČUDOVITA <3. Lepa kombinacija in seveda poštempljano v nulo =)


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