Magnetic polishes

11:17 AM colorfulbottle 6 Comments

I finally got them, all 4 magnetic polishes from Essence new LE: Metallics. I couldn't decide which one to try out first, so I decided I will start with 01 Iron goddess. I tried Essence magnet, but I wasn't satisfied with the result, so I used kitchen magnet.
I applied 2 coats, and was impressed that the process wasn't as hard as I thought it is. ( I know that I have to work on it though)
Here are the pictures with G2G:
with Essie Matte about you
The next one is copper rulez!


  1. Tole ti je res super ratalo! Ravno tako zgleda, kot sama hočem, da bi bilo na mojih nohtih, moram vaditi. :) Ampak so teli magnetni lakci super za igračkat! <3

  2. Ivana, Hvala, Js sm malo upognala magnetek, pa je to ratalo, tako da če hočeš kaj podobnega, pol res svetujem da se na enega Ice Age magnetka spraviš in ga malo uvihaš=).
    Za igrat so pa super, čeprav bi lahko bli bolj pisani in ne kovinski, glede nato da imata Alessandro in tudi L'oreal boljši spekter barv, ampak seveda pri Essence zmaga cena=)

  3. That is awesome! I don't usually go for that kind of color, but the design with the magnet makes up for it.

  4. Vau, tole je čudovito, čeprav mi v mat verziji ni tako všeč. Meni pa nista pomagala ne Essence magnet (ki je res slab) ne Šparov magnet, da bi naredila vzorce na nohtih. Bom še preizkušala, čeprav upam, da dobim prej še preostale 3 magnetne lakce, saj se mi je zaenkrat uspelo dokopati le do enega (in to do tega, ki je na tvoji slikah).

  5. An, tnx =)

    Megan, I couldn't agree more =)( I would love some colors it this collection, not just metallic colors)

    Taya, Essencev magnet je res slab, po 30 sekundah mu šele uspe vzorček naredit, medtem ko je tale šparov v manj kot 5 sekundah =). Želim ti veliko uspehov pri novih poskusih in pa seveda da bi čimprej dobila lakce =)


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