Challenge for colorfulbottle
All of you girls that have been my followers from my beginnings know, that my blogging path has been quite rocky. I've been back and then I disappeared, and than I got back a little more, and so on. I always lose my motivation too quickly, but I think I found a good motivation this time.
Yesterday I realized that I have a lot of nail polishes and stuff and it would be a shame, if I wouldn't share this with others. It sure takes a lot of time to prepare a post, but when you look back at all those pretty pictures and lovely comments it fells amazing and all the effort is repaid.
I just counted my nail polishes and I got to 360 bottles( all nail art related stuff not included)! I was completely shocked! So many pretty bottles that I don't share with you. I decided that if I do not share 3 post a week (by the end of the year) with you, I do not deserve them, and I will have to downsize to 20 bottles. It is harsh, isn't it? Well I must say that I earned it. Besides this is final chance for me to see if I'm really a blogger or not. If I fail I'll never be back again, If I success I hope I'll continue with blogging with 3 post per week.
I also gave myself a bonus. I could have 3 weeks with less than 3 post in it,but if I get to the fourth uncompleted week I'm out and I lose 340 bottles of polish.
What do you think? Good motivation or a bit to stressful?
joj, kako si težak zadatak sebi zadala :P
ReplyDeletesjedni, nalakiraj nokte, poslikaj ih, podijeli s nama fotke i neka to bude uživancija a ne strah i trepet da ne ostaneš bez lakića ;)
p.s. meni je definitivno drago da se opet vraćaš, jedva čekam da vidim što si nam spremila <3
Zaenkrat kaže dobro. Upam da bom nadaljevala tako dalje. Pri meni je tako vedno kriva lenoba in nič samodiscipline, tako da upam, da je kazen ravno pravšnja, da dvignem svojo leno rit =)
DeleteNajlepša hvala za tvoje VEDNO prijazne besede! =)
Uf, si si pa zadala cilj! Jaz verjamem vate in držim pesti, da ti uspe! In ti bo, ker mislim, da res nobena noče, da izgineš iz blogerskega sveta, pa čeprav kdaj kaj napišeš samo tu in tam! :) Motivacija pa vsakemu kdaj pade - midve sva vsaj dve in se malenkost manj pozna, pa so vseeno kdaj luknje v objavljanju.
ReplyDeleteSamo ne uidi nam! In se že veselim objav. :D
Je kr hud ane? Ampak upam da pomaga in odžene mojo lenobo stran, pa da se malo samodiscipliniram =)
DeleteRes sta super! Najlepša vama hvala za toliko podpore! Ravno zaradi takih ljudi se še vračam nazaj, čeprav po drugi strani imam pa potem spet občutek krivde, ker se jaz ne oglašam s komentarji na blogih punc tako pogosto kot bi bilo treba =(.
Poleg tega sem se ravno spomnila, da sem vama dolžna od oktobra oz novembra še en mail. Spet moja lenoba na delu =).
Hud, ampak ti bo uspelo! Če kdaj zaškripa, pa vseeno ne odnehaj! Ker te imamo vsi radi in ni nihče jezen, če kaj napišeš samo tu pa tam, dokler se vračaš, je vse v redu! :P
DeleteHehe, sva bili potem vmes v Munchnu. Hvala za info o hrani, mimogrede, sva si kar sami kuhali. :D
Jaz sem vesela, da boš spet začela redno blogati. :)
ReplyDeleteMotivacija je lepa, ampak pazi le, da ti ne bo postalo stresno. Bloganje je nekaj, kar te mora veseliti, če ti pa postane stresno, pa ni več tako zabavno. Saj če kdaj objaviš tudi 1 post na teden, ne bo nič hudega. :) Upam, da ti uspe, kot si si zadala. :)
Taya, hvala ker verjameš vame! Res sem vesela, da sem preko bloga spoznala tako super punce =).
DeleteUpam da se bom nekako držala zadanega cilja =)
Good motivation!! :)
ReplyDeleteI agree =). I hope I make it =)
Deleteomg! i wish you the best and i hope you can keep up with it! the blogging world is so unique and we'd miss you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your wishes and kind comment =)
DeleteWow. That's some intense stuff, Lady. I couldn't commit to anything like that myself because I would never go through with actually downsizing the stash, even if I failed. However, I doubt I have your integrity. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'd say if you're serious, it's likely the best motivation EVAR. I would personally encourage you to give your stash away to your devoted readers *cough* if you don't manage to keep up.
Don't add to my horde. MAKE YER POSTS, WOMAN!
Thank you for your encouragement! It really means a lot to me =).
DeleteIn case if I fail I'd love to give my polishes away to my readers, but because I had a bad experience with my previous giveaway prize, I think I'm done with giveaways. It's been really unpleasant.
I think setting a goal or schedule is good but dont make yourself feel like its a chore or youll never love it the same.
ReplyDeleteSamantha, you are right! So far so good, but it is only the first week, and many more to go. I hope I can keep up with my goal =)
DeleteMeni bi to bil prevelik pressure... but hey, whatever motivates you... sama vem, da mi ob vseh stvareh, ki jih imam, pač ne znese tolk objavljat, se pa zato potrudim takrat, ko imam čas. I choose not to give myself a hard time about that. Be kind to yourself <3 Sej pa maš lake zaradi sebe, ne zaradi nas ;) in bloggerka si, če objavljaš 1x na mesec al pa 3x na teden ;) Who sets the rules anyway! (every one for himself!) ...
ReplyDeleteBi mi bilo žal, če bi povsem nehala, pa če ti znese samo enkrat na teden objavljat (ali pa manj, če ne gre), so be it! =)
Colorful Harmony, sj imaš prav. Se popolnoma strinjam s teboj, ampak vseeno sem tokrat potrebovala biti stroga s seboj, ker je mogoče res malo škoda, da imam toliko lepih lakov in ne izstisnem maksimuma iz njih. Ker ko stvari ne objavljam avtomatsko manjkart kaj narišem na nohte ali uporabljam kakšne konad šablone =).
Deletehvala za spodbudo =)
Seems stressful! We want you to keep blogging even if it's off and on, but if this is a good motivator do what you gotta do :) (maybe only downsize to 50 bottles?)
ReplyDeleteMaybe only 50 =). We'll see, I can change my mind too quickly because I'm too lazy =). This is probably my last chance to motivate myself and I really want to succeed, this is why I was so harsh.
DeleteI wish you the best!
ReplyDeleteThis is really harsh and i think i couldn't do it, but probably because of that it's the best motivation ;-)
I wanted to let you know, that i don't mind how often you post on your blog.
I think it's more relevant if someone do something with love and soul and not the quantity :-)
Don't want to miss such a good blog <3
Ceitie S, thank you for your lovely comment. It made my day!
Deletepa veselim se tvojim postovima jer apsolutno je nedopustivo da toliko smanjis kolekciju -_-
ReplyDeleteUpam da mi uspe, da res ne izgubim vseh lakov =)