Ahoy Sailor!

8:04 PM colorfulbottle 16 Comments


I hope you enjoyed the lest day of Easter holidays =). 

For today I promised you something pink, and you probably guessed which polish is it from the title of the post( If you haven't this is CG: Ahoy!). I applied 3 coats, the polish applied really well, like all the CG polishes I tried before, it also dried really fast. As you all know this is a pretty pink glass flecked polish with a bit of red in it. Why would I carry on and try to describe this beauty if I can just show you the pictures =)
The first picture is under direct sun light
 and the rest 3 are in shade where the flecks are more visible =)
 isn't it just beautiful? And you hear that from a girl that hated pink for almost a decade=)))).
Ivana thank you for showing me that pink is also a beautiful color =)
 I just had to enlarge the last picture, because you simply must see the glass flecks, and how beautiful this polish really is

I think this was love at first sight. 
Do you have a bottle of this gorgeousness?

I'm really sorry that I'm not answering to all of you lovely comments and I also don't comment a lot lately, but I have an exam tomorrow and I really had to learn alto lately. I hope I'll be able to make it up to all of you =).

Have a nice evening/day! =)


  1. I am also a girl who hated pink but I looooooove this one!

  2. zelooo lep, veliko sreče jutr!!!! držim pesti za desetko!!!

  3. Oh, this colour is so pretty! It's still on my wishlist, even if I own a similar one by Sinful Colors, but it's not the same :)
    Good luck for tomorrow!

  4. Gorg!

    If I were a fan of nail polish this would be on my list.

  5. lak baš predobro izgleda :-D
    nadam se da si ispit dobro odradila :-)

  6. Popoln je! Če ga ne bi imela, bi zdaj začela jokat, ker ga nimam. :)) In me veseli, da je vsak nekdo vzljubil pink zaradi mene. :$

  7. Hehehe, I hear ya girl. Moj prvi rozko v kolekciji in res ga obožujem. :D Pomoje bo tale res postal ChG klasika, če ga imamo še no-pink-nail-polish freakice rade. :D

  8. This polish is on my wishlist! It's so beautiful!

  9. I have been thinking about wanting this polish but now it's confirmed: I need it!


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